Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is for my music JUNKIES...

Ok, so...am I the only one that is loving this "Hot Revolver" by Wayne??? I mean I know I may be a bit late but I fell in love at first listen. Yet I have asked others for their input on the song and they dub it as 'nothing special'. Come...on! This is Wayne (by far) at his best. The implementation of different elements in the progression of the song had me falling deeper and deeper into the beauty that is music. I don't particularly go for music like that, espesially rock induced music, but I do appreciate quality music when I hear it and by Wayne's standards...that's good music. I was a little iffy when I heard of upcomings and talk of an all rock album. The Greatest Rapper Alive pt. 5 did not give much justice to his experimentation of it at the time. I was even a bit weary when I heard that Hot Revolver was going to be his second single off said rock album. Prom Queen was alright. Catchy. But a little sloppy to say the least. But when I gave Hot Revolver a chance I noticed it was a bit different. Cleaner. And by the end of the song I was caught begging for an encore. I am so in love with this song. Why doesn't anyone see the greatness in this song?!!??

Enasha signing off

Peace!...and much luv to ya


  1. maybe because it sucks.

  2. omg...it does NOT suck!!! you obviously dont know good music!!!

  3. eh. just haven't given it a chance.
