Tuesday, November 10, 2009

you're dead to me now

I no longer believe it to be my fault
There's been an illness-
internal, chronic-
Inside of you
Eating you
Killing you
I no longer blame myself for your
self-inflicted perishment
Your casket lowers
Deeper, deeper
Into an abyss
Inside of me
You're almost forgotten
The further you are lowered
The more distanced you are from my heart
-->Out of sight, out of mind<--
Sincere condolenscesfor a bereaved soul
'In time your wounds will heal'
'There'll be someone else'
'Life hasnt ended yet'
These words rickoshe' off steel cold walls
I feel no emotion for your loss anymore
Your loss, my blessing
My eyes now cast a reflection in memory of you - Cold.
...You're dead to me now

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